Episode 83 – Gerald Pollack Ph.D – The 4th Phase Of Water

Gerald Pollack, a popular professor of bio-engineering at the University of Washington Medical School, is used to swimming against the current of traditional beliefs about science — water, in particular, and its shape-shifting phases. He’s published more than 250 papers on the behavior of water. He’s written half a dozen books mostly on water, including his 2013 The Fourth Phase Of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor. His faculty “Biological Sketch” page reads like the resumé of a Nobel Prize recipient. It’s not inconceivable. He inches closer, having received the prestigious Prigogine Medal in 2012 for work on thermodynamics of dissipative systems.


Professor Gerald Pollack is Founding Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal, WATER and is recognized as an international leader in science and engineering.

The University of Washington Faculty chose Pollack, in 2008, to receive their highest annual distinction: the Faculty Lecturer Award. He was the 2012 recipient of the coveted Prigogine Medal for thermodynamics of dissipative systems. He has received an honorary doctorate from Ural State University in Ekaterinburg, Russia, and was more recently named an Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Foreign Member of the Srpska Academy. Pollack is a Founding Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering and a Fellow of both the American Heart Association and the Biomedical Engineering Society. He recently received an NIH Director’s Transformative R01 Award for his work on water, and maintains an active laboratory in Seattle.

Pollack’s interests have ranged broadly, from biological motion and cell biology to the interaction of biological surfaces with aqueous solutions. His 1990 book, Muscles and Molecules: Uncovering the Principles of Biological Motion, won an “Excellence Award” from the Society for Technical Communication; two subsequent books: Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life, and The Fourth Phase of Water, both won that Society’s “Distinguished Award.”

Pollack is recognized worldwide as a dynamic speaker and a scientist willing to challenge any long-held dogma that does not fit the factsPollack’s research is paying off with a growing interest to explore more deeply the possibilities posed in his research. Students and innovators in health and energy in the scientific communities consider Pollack their Super Hero (Aquaman?) in the nerdy science world for sticking to his research and opening up a world of magical possibilities. But what’s not to love about passionate brainiacs who want to make the world a better place?

Opening The Floodgates

For years, Pollack studied muscles and how cells worked within them. The more he watched the cells and the water within them and around them, he noted something missing from the research. He wondered why weren’t studying the water within them, which account for 99% of a molecules’ construct. In fact, how could they exclude studying something that was everywhere? According to NASA, the human body is made up of 70% water and the Earth itself is more than 70% water. Water is everywhere! So he narrowed his studies and discovered something amazing and revolutionary.

Pollack presents evidence contrary to popular belief that water has more than the three phases — solid, liquid, and vapor. There is a fourth identity it shape-shifts into — a gooey gel-like substance similar to egg whites. The gooey substance in molecules don’t act like the other substances, he notices. And he sees that when water touches another surface (or interacts with another molecule), that H2O is transformed to H3O2, which creates what Pollack dubs, The Exclusion Zone (EZ). The positive charge of cells attract negative ions, which creates a negatively charged outer layer that repels other molecules. He enthusiastically shared his findings at TEDxGeulphU in 2013.

The research is promising. Pollack and his team of students and other scientists believe that if they can understand more deeply and learn to harness the energy within the EZ, they could use it for filtration and desalination and deliver free water to those in the world who need it. It may be possible to replenish dried up cells in our bodies and optimize our collective health.

It’s Alive! H3O2 = Living Water

As far as Pollack is concerned, a new law of science is E = H2O. You can’t separate the two. Cells and “living water” draw energy directly from the sun, or indirectly from ever-present infrared light, similar to plant photosynthesis. Pollack calls H3O2 — living water — the missing link. There’s so much more to learn about water and its social life, i.e., how it interacts with other molecules and compounds. One thing that’s been proven is that water has memory. In our chemically treated tap water, memory of the violent chemical process is stored. Pollack cites the work of Masaru Emoto, who provided photographic proof of water’s incredibly beautiful reaction to music.

Pollack’s enthusiasm grows with each study, each experiment. He wants the scientific community to be curious again. He wants answers to questions that we should very well have the capacity to answer by now, but don’t. He wants people to seek the truths about the wonders on and of our planet. He even promises to include donors in an upcoming edition of The Fourth Phase of Water …

“Really, it’s about understanding that water has not three, but four phases, and the fourth phase is the key to understanding many, many phenomena,” he said. “And mostly, what we like most is understanding the gentle beauty of nature.”

In this episode we discuss Dr. Pollack’s book in detail and the various experiments he has run to discover “The Fourth Phase of Water”

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Where To Find Professor Gerald Pollack:

The professor’s University of Washington’s lab page
Like Professor Pollack’s Facebook page
Follow Pollack, aka @4thphasewater twitter
Order books on Amazon
Read Pollack’s magazine, The Water Journal
Watch a plethora of Professor Pollack’s youtube videos

Further Reading:

Mercola 8/18/13 article on water & EZs, citing Pollack’s work
The Real Truth About Health 2016 conference, with several videos of Professor Pollack’s talks, including his most recent presentation on The 4th Phase Of Water, at their September 2016 health conference.
January 2014 announcement from publisher’s page
View full list of honors on publisher’s page
•Excerpt sample,The Fourth Phase Of Water … book, downloadable pdf of chapters 1-3 & final chapter 18
work of Martin Chaplin, emeritus professor of applied science, London South Bank University, cited by Pollack
Structured Water a study on water purification, citing Professor Pollack’s work.
•In defense of Professor Pollack, a well-thought out downloadable pdf, slaying the naysayers of his work
•Of Interest: Om Times, February 2011, Water, The Most Powerful Element

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